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Tropico 5—Strategy by Kalypso Media.


Website www.tropico5.com/en
Developer Kalypso Media
Publisher Kalypso Media
Franchise Tropico
Platform Mac, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox 360
Genre Strategy
Release Dates
23rd May 2014 — World Wide
Score 7½/10

What Ryan Davies thought:


“I’m just going to state the obvious to round things up: this is basically Tropico 4.5. There simply isn’t enough variation from the previous game to justify its development, let alone the full price tag, so I simply cannot score it too highly. Yet, as mentioned, I can happily recommend Tropico 5 as a game in and of itself. For newcomers to the series the inclusion of multiplayer, the eras system and some decent general balancing work make this the best iteration of Tropico yet. For series fans however, it’ll be difficult to see past the lack of innovation. In all likelihood though, like me you’ll still have a great time playing it, and isn’t that what’s most important? ”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review