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Website www.streetfighter.com
Developer Capcom, Dimps
Publisher Capcom
Franchise Street Fighter
Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Where to buy Super Street Fighter IV on Steam
Genre Fighting
Release Dates
27th April 2010 Xbox 360 — North America
27th April 2010 PlayStation 3 — North America
30th April 2010 Xbox 360 — Europe
30th April 2010 PlayStation 3 — Europe
Score 8/10

What Neil 'Wedge' Hetherington thought:


“ Whether you're a Street Fighter veteran or a complete newcomer, then Super Street Fighter IV is an essential purchase for any fighting fan as to be totally honest, Capcom are the Emperor of the fighting genre and should be something experienced by everyone. ”

Version reviewed: Xbox 360 Read the full review

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