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Severed Steel—Action by Greylock Studio.


Website https://www.digerati.games
Developer Greylock Studio
Publisher Digerati
Platform Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Where to buy Severed Steel on Steam
Genres Action, First-person Shooter
Release Dates
17th September 2021 Windows — World Wide
21st July 2022 Nintendo Switch — World Wide
20th July 2022 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
22nd July 2022 Xbox One — World Wide
Score 8½/10

What Neil 'Wedge' Hetherington thought:


“Severed Steel assaults many of your senses and rewards your bullet dodging, slow motion ballet dancing with satisfying kills while caressing your eyes and ears with the striking visuals and soundtrack it presents to you. ”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review