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Remnant: From the Ashes—Action by Gunfire Games.


Developer Gunfire Games
Publisher Perfect World Entertainment
Platform Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Where to buy Remnant: From the Ashes on Steam
Genres Action, Adventure
Release Dates
20th August 2019 Windows — World Wide
20th August 2019 Xbox One — World Wide
20th August 2019 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
21st March 2023 Nintendo Switch — World Wide
Score 8½/10

What Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard thought:


“By taking the best bits of a few different genres, Gunfire Games has come up with an exceptional formula here, and brought us the surprise hit of the year. Sure, it’ll take you a while to “git gud”, but it actually feels like it’s worth the practice. ”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review