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Prison Architect—Indie by Double Eleven.


Website https://www.prisonarchitect.com
Developer Double Eleven, Introversion Software
Publisher Introversion Software, Paradox Interactive
Franchise Prison Architect
Platform Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Add-ons/DLCs Prison Architect - Aficionado
Prison Architect - Island Bound
Prison Architect - Psych Ward: Warden's Edition
Prison Architect - Second Chances
Where to buy Prison Architect on Steam
Genres Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Release Dates
23rd June 2016 Xbox One — World Wide
23rd June 2016 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
6th October 2015 Windows — World Wide
Score 9/10

What Alex Hamilton thought:


“Prison Architect started out as a diamond in the rough and has been polished and hewn into a truly unique gaming experience. Introversion Software can be proud that they’ve built Prison Architect the right way and created an exceptional game unrivalled by many in the industry.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review