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Fight your friends as puppies, kittens and other fuzzy creatures in PARTY ANIMALS! Paw it out with your friends both online and offline. Interact with the world under our realistic physics engine. Did I mention PUPPIES?


Website https://www.partyanimalsgame.com
Developer Recreate Games
Publisher Source Technology
Platform Nintendo Switch, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Where to buy Party Animals on Steam
Genres Action, Casual
Release Dates
20th September 2023 Windows — World Wide
Score 8/10

What Alana Dunitz thought:


“Party Animals is a great multiplayer title to play with friends that won’t get boring or super repetitive like other titles in the genre. With a huge variety of characters and maps to check out, this will keep you busy for a long time. ”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review
Often/commonly misspelled as Party animalz,partie animals,party animal,partie animal,party animas,prty animals,party anials,party animale