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Five years after the events of OXENFREE, Riley returns to her hometown of Camena to investigate mysterious radio signals. What she finds is more than she bargained for.


Website https://nightschoolstudio.com/oxenfree-ii
Developer Night School Studio
Publisher MWM Interactive, Netflix
Platform Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows
Where to buy OXENFREE II: Lost Signals on Steam
Genres Adventure, Choose Your Own Adventure, Exploration, Puzzle
Release Dates
12th July 2023 Windows — World Wide
12th July 2023 Nintendo Switch — World Wide
12th July 2023 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
12th July 2023 PlayStation 5 — World Wide
Score 4½/10

What Violet Plata thought:


“The final act aside, OXENFREE II: Lost Signals is an underwhelming experience, especially when compared to its predecessor.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review