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MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE—Action by Byking Inc..


Website https://www.bandainamcoent.com/games/my-hero-ones-justice
Developer Byking Inc.
Publisher BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment, BANDAI NAMCO Studio
Platform PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Where to buy MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE on Steam
Genres Action, Fighting
Score 8/10

What Shayne Brown thought:


“I came into One’s Justice as a fan of the show and manga. That, and I absolutely relished the chance to beat the living hell out of Bakugo with Deku. I’m no stranger to 3D fighters, and One’s Justice, for all its repetitiveness in the story and small roster, I consider a worthy purchase. I’ve whiled away plenty of hours as Denki in the arcade, and occasionally go back to the story for laughs or a better score in a mission. Gameplay is smooth, polished, frantic, and fun...while offline/local gameplay. If you decide to go online, be prepared to see a lot of fire trails and counter-spam. If your connection holds out, that is. If you’re a fan of My Hero Academia, I still highly recommend this game, and if you’re not, this one might change your mind, if the tiniest bit. After all, what game doesn’t have its quirks?”

Version reviewed: Nintendo Switch Read the full review