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L.A. Noire—Adventure by Rockstar Leeds.


Website www.rockstargames.com/lanoire/agegate/ref/?redirect=
Developer Rockstar Leeds, Team Bondi
Publisher Rockstar Games
Platform Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, Windows
Where to buy L.A. Noire on Steam
Genres Adventure, Strategy
Score 9/10

What Adam Woodward thought:

9.00/10 9

“The fact that L.A. Noire is more slow-paced when compared to games like Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead Redemption could put people off. But if you’re prepared to put the hours in and think like a real detective instead of a gamer, then L.A. Noire is definitely worth a purchase. With incredible motion capture features and a unique experience unlike anything else out there, Team Bondi and Rockstar has proven that, together, they can produce something truly wonderful and immensely enjoyable.”

Version reviewed: Xbox 360 Read the full review