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-KLAUS-—Adventure by La Cosa.


Website www.klausgame.com
Developer La Cosa
Publisher La Cosa
Platform PlayStation 4, Windows
Where to buy -KLAUS- on Steam
Genres Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Release Dates
24th January 2019 Windows — World Wide
Score 6/10

What Cat Swinburn thought:


“In all, Klaus deviates from the plethora of platformer games before it by being heavily story-driven, and by telling its tale imaginatively and artistically. Although the gameplay is unsurprising, Klaus’ journey of self-discovery is thoroughly enjoyable. The use of the touchpad can be a little awkward and definitely halts the pace, but the use of the player as an invisible character within the game is imaginative and raises some interesting ideas about one’s place in the world of a platformer. Klaus is a little too easy, and barely rakes in a few hours of gameplay unless you are a complete beginner, which can feel unrewarding. But it makes a refreshing change from frustratingly difficult titles, and serves as a pleasant way to experience plot in a surprising genre.”

Version reviewed: PlayStation 4 Read the full review

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