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Infinite Undiscovery—Action by tri-Ace.


Developer tri-Ace
Publisher Square Enix
Platform Xbox 360
Genres Action, Role Playing Game
Release Dates
2nd September 2008 Xbox 360 — United Kingdom
4th September 2008 Xbox 360 — Australia
5th September 2008 Xbox 360 — Europe
11th September 2008 Xbox 360 — Japan
Score 8/10

What Kyle Nutland thought:


“Infinite Undiscovery is a standalone RPG for the Xbox 360, in which you play as Capell, a travelling musician who is mistaken for a hero of the people and locked up by the enemy army. After being rescued by one the hero's companions, Capell meets and joins the party in its quest to liberate the moon from the chains binding it to the Earth. ”

Version reviewed: Xbox 360 Read the full review

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