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Halo 5: Guardians—First-person Shooter by 343 Industries.


Website https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians
Developer 343 Industries
Publisher Microsoft Studios
Franchise Halo
Platform Xbox One
Genre First-person Shooter
Release Dates
27th October 2015 — World Wide
Score 7½/10

What Calum Parry thought:


“Despite its shortfalls Halo 5: Guardians still holds strong as being an excellent contender as the current best shooter available for Xbox One. Afterall it is Microsoft’s flagship title, but with a short lackluster story that only the diehard fans will appreciate, the multiplayer is truly where the focus is. 60FPS makes a world of difference and is here to stay with the franchise, but I just hope that they take the feedback from the community and make things better in the next installment. ”

Version reviewed: Xbox One Read the full review