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Gears 5 - Hivebusters—Action by The Coalition.


Website https://gears5.com
Developer The Coalition
Publisher Xbox Game Studios
Platform Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Add-on/DLC for Gears 5
Where to buy Gears 5 - Hivebusters on Steam
Genres Action, Adventure
Score 8/10

What Joshua Michael Howard thought:


“Hivebusters is a safe but rewarding package that gives you more of what you love about Gears 5. The characters are strong, the campaign is solid, and gameplay is exactly what is expected. If you are a fan of Gears 5, then this expansion is a no brainer and is easily another reason to get Game Pass.”

Version reviewed: Xbox Series X Read the full review

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Gears 5: Hivebusters Review Review