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Website https://www.seizethefrontline.com
Developer Ammobox Studios
Publisher Ammobox Studios
Platform Windows
Where to buy Eximius: Seize the Frontline on Steam
Genres Action, Real Time Strategy
Release Dates
16th March 2021 Windows — World Wide
28th September 2018 — World Wide
Score 5/10

What Jameshayward23 thought:


“Despite my gripes about accessibility, the game delivers so many options regardless of whether players choose the role of Commander or Officer. Ultimately though, Eximius will most likely have a handful of hardcore fans to keep it alive, at best. Grading would be far higher if I could see potential for growth that would allow PvP to flourish. My advice, if you want to shoot stuff, stick to the Crucible.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review

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Eximius: Seize the Frontline Review Review