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Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence.

As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timestream, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event.


Website https://eternalthreadsgame.com
Developer Cosmonaut Studios
Publisher Secret Mode
Platform Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Where to buy Eternal Threads on Steam
Genres Adventure, Indie, Story Rich
Release Dates
19th May 2022 Windows — World Wide
2022 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
2022 Xbox One — World Wide
Score 8/10

What Artura Dawn thought:


“Eternal Threads is a wholly unique experience and one that I definitely recommend. That said, outside of snooping in the lives of six unsuspecting strangers there’s not really any other elements to rope in gameplay-heavy players.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review