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Devil May Cry 5—Third-person Shooter by Capcom.


Developer Capcom
Publisher Capcom
Franchise Devil May Cry
Platform PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Genre Third-person Shooter
Release Dates
8th March 2019 — World Wide
Score 9½/10

What Alexander Mackay thought:


“Devil May Cry 5, while seemingly shallow on the surface, conceals its greatest features and true experience for only the dedicated to discover. The satisfaction of finally overcoming a block in the game that held you back for so long is where the real experience lies, and the game demands that you not be weak of heart to reach it. Put in the time and effort that the developers expect of their fans and you’ll truly be able to reap the rewards and see DMC5 for what it is; a truly off the wall, batshit insane romp through the best the genre has to offer.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review