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Deadbeat Heroes is a 3D, movement-based brawler about dodging bullets, stealing super powers and cracking wise.


Website https://twitter.com/DeadBeatGame
Developer Deadbeat Productions
Publisher Square Enix
Platform Windows, Xbox One
Alternative names Dead Beat Heroes
Genre Beat 'em Up
Score 6½/10

What Kayla Hill thought:


“Deadbeat Heroes is a solid brawler with good humour and a well-directed art style. While the execution of some of the combat elements interrupt the flow of said combat it is still a fun game to play. With a small degree of tweaking to the combat mechanics, this title could go from being an average brawler to an amazing one. The developers are supporting the game and recently released a patch in direct response to player feedback, so my fingers are crossed that they will continue to support the game and make Deadbeat Heroes a title worth remembering.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review