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Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason—Survival Horror by 1C Company.


Developer 1C Company, 505 Games, Aspyr Media
Platform Windows
Genre Survival Horror
Score 7/10

What Kev Malone thought:


“ Replay value is something this game is severely lacking, with no form of multi-player and a linear single player campaign which I had finished fairly quickly there's not much reason to go back once you've completed it once. However for the one run you'll give it, it's a solid adventure game with a fairly well crafted story. The clumsy fighting mechanics and the linearity let it down somewhat though and you may well find yourself struggling to find the need to complete it. Cryostasis is by no means a bad game - far from it, it's just nothing we haven't seen before. ”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review

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Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason Review