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Cozy Grove—Casual by Spry Fox LLC.


Website cozygrovegame.com
Developer Spry Fox LLC
Publisher Spry Fox LLC
Platform Apple Arcade, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Where to buy Cozy Grove on Steam
Genre Casual
Release Dates
8th April 2021 Windows — World Wide
8th April 2021 Nintendo Switch — World Wide
8th April 2021 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
8th April 2021 Apple Arcade — World Wide
8th April 2021 Xbox One — World Wide
Score 8½/10

What Artura Dawn thought:


“Cozy Grove's day-by-day mechanics can be frustrating to some, but is a definite welcome addition, allowing me to slowly unravel the story and giving me more playtime in the long run, completely enhancing my mornings.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review