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Civilization: Beyond Earth—Strategy by Firaxis Games.


Developer Firaxis Games
Publisher 2K Games
Franchise Civilization
Platform Windows
Add-ons/DLCs Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide
Alternative names Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth
Genre Strategy
Score 7½/10

What Ryan Davies thought:


“It’s funny, there’s a lot about Beyond Earth that I’m not too sure about and a fair number of mechanics that could be better. Yet it’s incredibly playable and just as addictive as every other Civilization game. It’s incredibly easy to lose a lot of time while playing, which is a testament to how the game can really get the player involved. It’s ever-present that the game has a tendency to force the player down a certain path, lacking the overall freedom of something like Europa Universalis IV. Yet when the path is as beautiful, thoughtful and fun as Beyond Earth, it’s not exactly a challenge to walk that path over and over again. It does indeed feel like a reskin of Civilization V, but it’s a skin that the game wears quite well.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review