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Publisher Ubisoft
Franchise Assassin's Creed
Platform Google Stadia, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Genres Action, Third-person Shooter
Release Dates
10th November 2020 Windows — World Wide
10th November 2020 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
10th November 2020 Xbox One — World Wide
10th November 2020 Google Stadia — World Wide
12th November 2020 PlayStation 5 — North America
12th November 2020 PlayStation 5 — Australia
19th November 2020 PlayStation 5 — Europe
Score 8/10

What Simone Brown thought:


“Assassin’s Creed brings beautiful English countryside to the masses whilst fixing a lot of the series’ recent missteps. Some genuinely fun and surprising moments with some great writing make for a fun time.”

Version reviewed: Xbox One Read the full review