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Fresh out of high school with no job and no ambition, you've really got nothing going for you until an alien cartel that wants to get high off humanity invades Earth.

Now, you and a team of charismatic talking guns must answer the hero's call and become the deadliest intergalactic bounty hunter the cosmos has ever seen.


Website https://squanchgames.com/high-on-life
Developer Squanch Games, Inc.
Publisher Squanch Games, Inc.
Platform PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Where to buy High On Life on Steam
Genres Action, Adventure
Release Dates
13th December 2022 Windows — World Wide
13th December 2022 Xbox One — World Wide
8th December 2022 —
Score 8½/10

What Dylan Pamintuan thought:


“High On Life is a fun and humorous FPS that, while not innovating on the genre, is a joy to play all throughout its main story. However, it lacks a little technical polish and optional goals.”

Version reviewed: Windows Read the full review