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  • Name:                RENA HIROSE
  • Alias:                  Rena
  • Nationality:       Japanese
  • A member of:   UPEO
  • Age:                   19
  • Height:              163cm
  • Weight:              40kg


Rena suffers from silverstone disease and cannot expose herself to the sun light. So she has had to wear protective clothing since she was a little girl and this has meant that she could not go out much. Although she has an unhappy background, the mass media pay much attention to her, as she is an ace pilot within the UPEO.

She rarely shows her true colors and emotions, but inside she is filled with an inferiority complex and anxieties about her situation, longing for freedom. So she wears an unemotional face though she fails to keep it up at times and shows a gloomy look in her eyes and around her mouth.