What We're Playing: 9th–15th May
Alana Dunitz, aka retrogamergirl
Andrew Duncan, aka Acelister
- Azur Lane
- Black Desert
- Blue Archive
- Bugsnax
- DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation
- Deus Ex: The Fall
- Forza Horizon 5
- Hardspace: Shipbreaker
- Judgment
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out
- Star Trek Online
Anna Duncan, aka CraftyAK
- Black Desert
- Dead by Daylight
- Forza Horizon 5
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- House Flipper - Pets DLC
- PowerWash Simulator
- Spirit Of The Island
Charr Davenport, aka †Prince†
Chris Wootton, aka Mister Woot
- Agony - Unrated
- Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
- East India Company Collection
- Metro: Exodus
- Space Engineers
- World of Warships: Legends
Erin McAllister, aka Erinisfrustrated
- Babylon's Fall
- Genshin Impact
- Predator: Hunting Grounds
- Red Dead Online
- Sea of Thieves
- V Rising