What is Ubisoft's "Mysterious Invite"?
A few days ago, GameGrin received an email from Ubisoft entitled "Mysterious Invite!". All that this emailed contained was a single image containing a logo, an RSVP address, a time and a location. The purpose of the invitation remains a mystery, and no hints have been given to us by the company. None, that is, except this: -
This is a cropped version of the invitation we received. You might recognise this logo from a certain popular Ubisoft franchise. That would be Assassin's Creed of course, for those who have managed to avoid the five games in the home console series and the many handheld games, novels, comics and animated films.
So what does this hint at? The obvious guess would be a new Assassin's Creed reveal. I have a healthy respect for the obvious so I'm going along with that as my prediction. Of course, perhaps Ubisoft are being clever and trying to trick us - for all we know it could be anything and the AC logo is just a diversion. It's the kind of thing I'd do; send that invitation out, then when everyone comes running show them a trailer for Far Cry 4 and send them on their way (although Far Cry 4 would be equally as awesome!!).
Whether it be the details of a new Assassin's Creed game or something else, Ubisoft's 'mysterious invite' has certainly started some chatter in the GameGrin office. We'll be sending someone down there to find out what all the fuss is about and we'll be sure to let you know exactly what the score is. The event is fairly late on Wednesday 27th February and we'll try and get the main details on the site as soon as our reporter gets out, with a full substantive write-up on the 28th. Keep your eyes peeled.
icaruschips - 03:03pm, 18th July 2016
Tits, Drugs and Guns 4, please!
Kaostic - 03:03pm, 18th July 2016
Tits, Drugs and Guns 4, please!
This.Platinum - 03:03pm, 18th July 2016
inb4 generic PS3 game polished and ported to PS4 and called sequel. In reality it will be a showcase of there next gen games for the PS4 I bet.
Ewok - 03:03pm, 18th July 2016 Author
Hmmm. That's not a bad prediction there Plat.