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What Has Happened to the GameOn Logo?

What has happened to the GameOn logo? I hear you all ask. Has it developed a bad case of the measles?
Well the interesting new colour scheme is because GameOn would like to help promote a semi nude calendar, produced by the organisation Polkadotgals, in order to raise funds to help with their ongoing campaign to increase awareness of a little understood illness called Fibromyalgia.
So to find out the connection between page 3 and Zoo model Danni Wells, championship 100m hurdler Sara McGreavy, a couple of Coventry City football players and our one and only Rasher, read on ........

(due to nudity, we do not recommend this link for under 18 or from a work place)

fibromyalgia bianca and danni wells

When air-hostess and model Bianca Embley had an accident 10 years ago where a piece of breathing equipment fell on her, little did she know that her life would be changed forever. The accident brought on a debilitating illness called Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterised by, amongst other things, chronic widespread pain, chronic fatigue, hypersensitivity to pain and sleep disturbances. Also referred to as ‘the invisible Illness' suffers of Fibromyalgia can often show no outward signs of the constant pain that they are in. This constant pain, with no let up, often gives sufferers suicidal tendencies, purely just to escape from the pain. Up to 2 million people in the UK suffer from Fibromyalgia, although due to general lack of knowledge about the condition, and problems getting a clear diagnosis, this figure could be much higher. There is no cure for Fibromyalgia, it is just a case of managing the different symptoms as effectively as possible and trying to create the best quality of life for the sufferer.

After 10 years of struggling with the illness herself, Bianca created the Polkadotgals campaign to support the suffers of this chronic condition, and to raise general awareness of the condition. She realised that in order for Fibromyalgia to be recognised as a real condition, there needed to be a strong campaign within the media to draw attention to the plight of sufferers and to highlight the scale of the problem.

The Polkadotgals celebrity calendar 2009 has been shot by renowned London photographer Luke Varley. The calendar features very tastefully done pictures of glamour model Danni Wells, championship 100m hurdler Sara McGreavey and Coventry City footballers Michael Doyle and Elliott Ward together with some Fibromyalgia suffers. The calendar can be purchased by clicking on the following link. http://www.polkadotgals.com/merchandise.html 
(due to nudity, we do not recommend this link for under 18 or from a work place) 

 danni wells 

And why is all this relevant to GameOn? .................. Because this is the illness that struck our beloved leader Rasher over 5 years ago. Some of the older members will remember Rasher before he was taken ill. He was a very active workaholic, who was always rushing around either looking after the children or running GameOn. He would often keep going for days on end on just adrenalin and a few hours sleep here and there. For Rasher, it was a mystery virus that caused the onset of Fibromyalgia. It came as a bit of a shock to all of us when we asked the doctor when he would get better, and we were told that he wouldn't.

 Sara McGreav

Although he very rarely shows it, Rasher is in constant pain, mainly in the muscles in his arms and legs. Although he is able to walk, trying to walk any distance results in muscle shakes and severe muscle cramping. It would also completely wear him out, and leave the sort of aching and pain that most people would only experience after running a marathon. It is because of this that he took the decision to use a wheelchair to at least allow him to get about. I know a lot of you have experienced him disappearing half way through a conversation on MSN, or even while on the phone. This is because of the fatigue side of the illness. When the fatigue hits, all he can do is sleep. During particularly bad periods this can be for up to 18 hours a day. There are also some other unpleasant symptoms of the illness, including irritable bowel syndrome, upset stomach, sickness, short term memory loss and general disorientation, and problems regulating temperature (hot flushes, night sweats etc.). Most of the symptoms of this illness would be difficult to cope with on their own. Try to imagine what it is like when they all occur together. Not the mention the side effects from the cocktail of medication that he has to take every day.

Rasher has never wanted sympathy, He believes that all things in life happen for a reason. He pushes himself and tries to carry on with his life as best he can, both for his family and for the GameOn community. He has often said that it is the satisfaction he gets from running the community that helps to keep him going when he really feels like just giving up.

So, you can see why this cause is so close to our hearts. If, by buying the calendar, you can each make one more person aware of this illness, then we have made a big step forward to helping Bianca with her campaign, and provide the much needed support and recognition for suffers of this terrible condition.

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Rasher - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

out of interest, did anyone buy a calender? (or any of the other awareness bits on their web site)

TGK - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

Come on guys, calenders are only £3 so there is no excuse :)

Angelfromabove - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

i dont want the calender (semi naked women arnt my cup of tea) but i will happily donate the £3 if theres somewhere to do so?

Rasher - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

i dont want the calender (semi naked women arnt my cup of tea) but i will happily donate the £3 if theres somewhere to do so?

There is awareness wrist bands and badges you can buy (our kids wear them) not 100% if they was from that site or not as Linda brought them. on another note, as we are in to March the callender is now only £1 to clear out stocks It has to be worth it at that price, even if you just leave it on the back of your bathroom door......

MaddAussie-1428100775 - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

is it laminated? and are you in it?

Angelfromabove - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

Ill take a look at the wrist bands and such :D

Mrs Rasher
Mrs Rasher - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016 Author

I got some ribbons, wrist bands and pins from the UK Fibromyalgia association. [URL="http://www.fibromyalgia-associationuk.org/form/products.php"]http://www.fibromyalgia-associationuk.org/form/products.php[/URL] They are not badly priced either. Just be ready for people asking you about them - I frequently get asked about the ribbon.

Rasher - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

Fr[URL="http://www.fibromyalgia-associationuk.org/form/products.php"]om this page[/URL] (same as Linda's link) [IMG]http://www.fibromyalgia-associationuk.org/images/stories/products/fm-ribbonx125.gif[/IMG] Jess wears hers all the time there is a badge as well [IMG]http://www.fibromyalgia-associationuk.org/images/stories/products/fm-badgex100.gif[/IMG] cant seem to find the wrist bands on there Linda?

Angelfromabove - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

I just picked up the awareness band and the pen, Nurses always need pens lol!

Mrs Rasher
Mrs Rasher - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016 Author

cant seem to find the wrist bands on there Linda?

Bands are just under the calendar and just above the badge ;)

Angelfromabove - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

They are definately there :) Threres no picture there i couldnt find them at first.

FatTonyBBX - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

Aw wow, that was very touching. I shall see about getting a calender when I next get paid. I genuinely though Rash was just paralysed waist down or something - I had no idea it was as painful and "extreme" as all of that. Mad respect to him for working so hard for GO sorting LANs and stuff :)

FoxyStoat - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

I will look into buying some pens ready for when I next start teaching, the kids tend to read anything thats on them so it'll raise awareness of this website too :)

Rasher - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

Bands are just under the calendar and just above the badge ;)

They are definately there :) Threres no picture there i couldnt find them at first.

That would explain it, my eyes kept wondering when i went above the badge....

Gunn (LA)-1428100627
Gunn (LA)-1428100627 - 03:18pm, 18th July 2016

They ship to teh USA?

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