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Types of Online Gaming AD

Types of Online Gaming

I'm often asked what online game people should play, and it's always been an odd question to me. It's like asking what kind of car to get -- it depends on what you want it for.

First off, you have to decide whether you want to spend money or not. This will quickly rule out whether FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn and World of Warcraft are in consideration, as both require a monthly subscription as well as an outright purchase. If you don’t mind paying for the game, but hate paying each month, then there are games like Guild Wars 2 or The Elder Scrolls Online which are a one-off purchase.There are a few which are currently buy-to-play in Steam’s Early Access, but plan on changing to free-to-play when they get a full release, such as Fractured Space. The final types which require money are online casinos such as Mansion Casino, which allow you to spend money to try and make money, just like a regular casino.

Then you have the free-to-play games, which make up pretty much all other online games. From the space-based to Diablo-esque, they range in quality and time commitment. Perhaps you want to play online battle arena like Gigantic or SMITE, so that you can battle against others and eventually take on people in a worldwide tournament! Maybe you’re looking for one based on comic books such as Gotham City Imposters or Marvel Heroes, to meet people and chat whilst punching supervillains. You could be a vampire or vampire hunter if you play Nosgoth,and really if you’re a fan of player-vs-player, and the Legacy of Kain series, then you have no excuse not to.

Several of these titles are even available on console, with SMITE and DC Universe Online already available. Not too long ago, Elite: Dangerous entered the early access program for Xbox One, called the Preview Program, and since it released recently ARK: Survival Evolved took its spot. These latter two are buy-to-play, but can be played both solo or by grouping up, which is actually another good thing to bear in mind when choosing a game.

There are games which have an online community, but taking part in those communities is only one aspect of it. However, if you were looking to get into World of Warcraft you would need to join a party. This is because certain dungeons can only be tackled by several players at once, otherwise they are simply impossible to finish, and therefore you will miss out on the precious loot!

So, whether you’re looking for something to play for an hour, something to sink a ton of time into, something cheap, something expensive… Really, there’s something for everyone!

Miguel Gibson

Miguel Gibson

Staff Writer

Miguel enjoys the finer things in life, like videogames

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TGK - 09:43pm, 1st March 2016

Still haven't got around to playing SMITE on Xbox - should really crack it out at some point!
