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Top 3 Crossovers

Recently, it was announced that Left 4 Dead 2 characters and enemies would appear in the PC version of Resident Evil 6. This got me thinking about what other crossovers I would love to see that wouldn’t really change the gameplay all that much.

Zombies x Assassin’s Creed

Zombies instantly make a game better. That is a documented, scientifically proven fact. Put them into any game and that game goes up by at least 2 points overall (on a 10 point scale). The mix of brutal murder, survival and zombies just seems to work its way together within a human’s mind to form a cocktail so sweet, a child would enjoy it (please note, I am not endorsing children drinking).

Now, I’ve culled many a zombie in my time. I’ve shot, smashed, bashed, sliced, diced, decapitated, punched, kicked, battered, backhanded and slapped zombies but do you know what I haven’t done? Taken on a horde of zombies as a trained assassin, equipped with gadgets galore but using nothing more than my hidden blades. What would happen if an assassin was bitten? Would they become an assassin zombie, stalking the night to rid the world of their foes, humanity, to help the zombie nation rise up and belittle us as their lunch? No. They’d become one of the drooling, groaning horde that know nothing more than eat and infect but hey, it would be a laugh to annihilate them.

Assassin's Creed IV

StarCraft x Battlefield

There was a game from my childhood, some of you may have heard of it, called Renegade. It was one of the Command & Conquer series and let you take control of all the units you could find in the series from a first person perspective. You were that tiny grunt that you would usually order to scout a base. Imagine that but for StarCraft.

I chose Battlefield because, out of all the current ‘realistic’ first person shooters, it’s probably my preferred one but you could put it with anything, and what I really want is a first person StarCraft experience. I want to become a Zealot and charge a Zergling. Become a Void Ray and take down a Banshee. Become a Titan and rid the world of a Colossus. The appeal of this game to me is so much, I want somebody to start a Kickstarter for it right now. You can have my money, just somebody, make this game!


The Walking Dead (Telltale) x Team Fortress 2

Prior to The Walking Dead’s release, I was not a huge fan of Telltale. The stories were mediocre to me and the gameplay a bit outdated. However, with the release of The Walking Dead, they really seemed to let their creativity flow and the ability to storytell through the medium of video games whilst still capturing the essence of a graphic novel was amazing. With Team Fortress 2 being a solely multiplayer shooter, I would love for the Team Fortress team to run over into the Telltale universe to give the fans of the series a bit more of a backstory to the characters and some insight into their pasts.

Whilst this would take away the essence of Team Fortress 2, it would allow me to at least feel sorry for the Scout before I sniped the dirt off his cheek and painted the walls with his brains.

These are just the top three that I would like to see but let me know what you’d like to see too in the comments

Kris 'Kaostic' West

Kris 'Kaostic' West


Zombie slayer, quest completer, mouse clicker and, in his downtime, writer and editor.

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