The Great Grincast Drinking Game 2015
No doubt if you're reading this, you're at least a casual fan of GrinCast, the official podcast of GameGrin. In case you weren't already aware, last night was the highlight of the GrinCast calendar. Yes, we have recorded the 2015 Game of the Year GrinCast. We were debating, deliberating, and probably arguing about what should take the crown in a special extended episode which you'll be able to listen to today in two parts.
Now we know that you all enjoy the podcasts and therefore you don't need alcohol to enjoy them more, but it's Christmas so it's a great time for a tipple and everything is funnier if you are steaming drunk, right?
With that in mind, assuming that you are legally able to drink alcohol where you are located, please join us for the official drinking game of the Grincast.
Take a drink (shot or a finger of beer etc) when:
- Anyone on the pod actually mentions drinks (this includes if we don’t shorten Vod’s name!)
- Anybody refers to Fouler as being French
- Someone suggests Dominoid might not be paying attention
- Emsey gets so excited she can’t get words out
- Ace starts a sentence with “err”
- Vod starts a sentence with “the thing is”
- Cal says something that sounds a bit like the PEGI guy
- Anyone forgets the name of our special guest James
- Dominoid makes reference to an obscure old 80s game or console
- Emsey mentions gin (also refer to rule number one here)
- Vod or Fouler play devil’s advocate
- Someone talks about Alex playing Football Manager
- Everyone has played a game except one person on the cast
- Ace breathes into his mic while laughing
- Cal drops the F-bomb
Down your drink if:
- Dominoid actually isn’t paying attention
- A game is referred to as “x on steroids”
- A game is referred to as “x meets y”
- Alex gets forgotten about
- Somebody mentions a game and it immediately appears on another speaker’s Steam wishlist
- Two people talk, both say "you go on" and no-one does
azrael316 - 11:32am, 18th December 2015
Those Emsey rules will get you trollied faster than Plat at a Lan... ;)
Emseypenguin - 01:11pm, 18th December 2015
It's true though.
CraftyAK - 08:27pm, 18th December 2015
Hmmmm now i know how to get people drunk quick *mwhahah* the podcast would sound so funny if you was all drunk :-p