The GameGrin GrinCast! Episode 88 - No Man's Sky Update, Dawn of War III and Shadow of War Streamcast
This week on the GrinCast it's stream week! That means we're bringing you a live, uncut episode of the show as it aired live on Beam. Expect hiccups, tomfoolery, and extras. We're talking the new No Man's Sky update, Dawn of War III and Middle Earth: Shadow of War.
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TheSphericalCat - 12:32pm, 13th March 2017
I think Ghost Recon Wildlands would be better with a Nemesis system, it would add a new layer to the gang infiltration and make the game a little less predetermined...
DCello - 12:35pm, 13th March 2017
Problem with that is that you can't really die and come back in the realistic overtone of Tom Clancy's games. The idea of shooting someone in the head and having them come back against all odds might work for a fantasty genre, but Wildlands is built on the premise that both you and the enemies are just normal people -- you can't really have one of them kill you or vice-versa and come back for "revenge".
TheSphericalCat - 12:42pm, 13th March 2017
I've seen weirder things happen on TV that's meant to be realistic :D I was more thinking of the controlling characters part of the system anyway - inserting a mole into the cartel