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The GameGrin GrinCast! Episode 28 - Storytelling, Immersion and Voiced Protagonists

The GameGrin GrinCast! Episode 28 - Storytelling, Immersion and Voiced Protagonists


This week on the GrinCast the gang talk about storytelling mechanics in today's games (as well as a few from the past). We give most major story-based games a going over - from Mass Effect to Half-Life to Life is Strange. We'll also ask ourselves: Is it better to have a voiced or silent protagonist? The results might surprise you.

As always you can get in touch with the GrinCast by commenting below or sending a message to GameGrin's Facebook or Twitter.

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Alex Hamilton

Alex Hamilton

Staff Writer

Financial journalist by trade, GameGrin writer by choice. Writing skills the result of one million monkeys with one million typewriters.

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Emseypenguin - 09:20am, 4th December 2015

Great topic this cast! ;)

Hamiltonious - 10:27am, 4th December 2015 Author

I don't think I mentioned how much I like Garrus.

Emseypenguin - 10:30am, 4th December 2015

Isn't that the guy you were a dick to that one time and you broke his heart? Not trying to reignite that guilt or anything.

Dombalurina - 10:39am, 4th December 2015

I'm gutted I missed this one. Great cast guys :)

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