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The GameGrin GrinCast Episode 184 - The Lowest Polygon Dog Ever

The GameGrin GrinCast Episode 184 - The Lowest Polygon Dog Ever


Welcome to the GrinCast, your guide to the world of gaming news from the past week. This week's podcast was made up of Ace, Cal, SphericalCat and hosted by Nikki.

This week on the podcast we talked about how EA have cancelled another Star War title, cheaters took Atlas offline twice in one week, and about how OVERKILL's The Walking Dead is postponed for console. 

We also talked about the changes coming to the Dark Zone in Tom Clancy's The Division 2 along with the use of a stock photo in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. 

Our main topic was: Games we are looking forward to in 2019!

Check out Episode 12 of DunGame & DraGrins, our real play Dungeons & Dragons podcast!

Remember, if you want to chat to us, just leave a comment on the GameGrin site, or chat to us on Twitter at @GameGrin If you fancy us on the go, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes (for iPhones) and Stitcher (for everyone else). We are now on Spotify as well! 

Don't forget to check out our Twitch channel every evening at 8pm UK time, and our YouTube channel for more great GameGrin content.

Judgemental Waifu

Judgemental Waifu

Staff Writer

Married a light cruiser. No, really

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