The Best Spider-Man Game on Every Platform Part One: Atari to PlayStation
With Marvel’s Spider-Man set to be one of the best Spider-Man games ever released, I figured it was time to see what the best Spider-Man game was on every platform so far. There’s been a staggering 107 Spider-Man titles released on 29 platforms (not including Insomniac’s upcoming title or the Japan-exclusive Lethal Foes), so this certainly took some pulling off, I can tell you! The same titles got released on multiple consoles, but they weren’t always the same across the board!
Without further ado, and with a massive thank you to fellow writer Simon Brown, I give you the definitive list of the best games featuring Marvel’s wall-crawling, angst-ridden hero. By generation:
2nd Generation
Amstrad CPC
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge!
1989, Empire Software, Medalist International, Paragon Software Corporation
Spider-Man and Captain America go to Doctor Doom’s castle for no particular reason.
A very limited affair, which was basically a beat ‘em up and wins by default.
Atari 2600
1982, Parker Bros.
Stop the Green Goblin, over and over again.
I’m sure for the time it was great, but honestly this was the second ever superhero videogame, so I can’t recommend playing this to anyone. Winner by default only.
Commodore 64
The Amazing Spider-Man
1990, Paragon Software
Mysterio has kidnapped Mary Jane, so Spidey dons his mask to rescue her.
A pretty decent puzzle platformer, that is a big change from the basic The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! (1989), which doesn’t even have web swinging.
ZX Spectrum
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge!
1989, Empire Software, Medalist International, Paragon Software Corporation
Spider-Man and Captain America go to Doctor Doom’s castle for no particular reason.
Since this was the only Spider-Man game, despite its basic “fight level, jump level” repetitiveness, this wins by default.
3rd Generation
Spider-Man: The Video Game
1991, SEGA
Kingpin is up to something, so Spidey, Black Cat, Hawkeye and Namor are going to stop him.
I've honestly no idea why Hawkeye and the Submariner are in this, but the game itself is fine. Side-scrolling brawlers are a dime a dozen, but this is the only Spidey game for the arcade, so it's the best by default.
Master System
The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin
1990, SEGA
Kingpin has set up Spidey, and it's a literal 24-hour race to get five keys from the Sinister Six to disarm a bomb.
With good level design and the innovative time mechanic (24 in-game hours were 24 real minutes), it was just more fun than Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six (1993). Plus you had to take pictures for the Daily Bugle to get money for webbing, which is a rarity in these games.
Nintendo Entertainment System
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six
1992, Activision
Electro has taken over the power plant, so Spider-Man wades through goons to stop him.
Probably one of the more difficult games on the list, and winner by default of being the only Spidey game on the NES, this at least does get the web swinging right.
4th Generation
Spider-Man: Web of Fire
1996, SEGA
Hydra have put a laser web over New York City, and Spider-Man has to team up with Daredevil to stop them.
The motion is really fast and smooth, but the combat and swinging could do with some work. It's not perfect, but it's the only one to choose from.
The Amazing Spider-Man
1990, Paragon Software
Mysterio has kidnapped Mary Jane, so Spidey dons his mask to rescue her.
One of the nicer ports of this game, there is everything that a good Spider-Man game needs. Unlike the repetitive The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! (1989).
Atari ST
The Amazing Spider-Man
1990, Paragon Software
Mysterio has kidnapped Mary Jane, so Spidey dons his mask to rescue her.
This actually has something missing from most Spider-Man games - being able to stand on walls and ceilings, rather than just crawl. It’s more fun than The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! (1989), too.
Game Boy
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
1992, LJN
Hobgoblin is framing Spider-Man, and Spidey needs to stop him.
This was a choice between three bad Spider-Man games. At !east this one manages to get web swinging, thug punching and level design down. The Amazing Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers (1993) is boring, and The Amazing Spider-Man (1990) barely has any swinging ability.
Game Gear
The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin
1990, SEGA
Kingpin has set up Spidey, and it's a literal race of 24 hours to get five keys from the Sinister Six to disarm a bomb.
With a blend of a good web swinging mechanic and decent fighting, it's miles ahead of the two other titles; Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six (1993) and X-Men and Spider-Man in Arcade's Revenge (1992).
Mega CD/Sega CD
The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin
1990, SEGA
Kingpin has set up Spidey, and it's a literal race of 24 hours to get five keys from the Sinister Six to disarm a bomb.
With a rock soundtrack, this was certainly the best version of this title - but it also wins since it was the only Spidey game on the platform. They also removed the photography, and the awful voice acting should probably put you off of playing it, though…
Mega Drive/Genesis
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage
1994, LJN
Carnage has broken out of Ravencroft Asylum, so Spidey has to team up with Venom to recapture him.
Somehow, this has better graphics than the sequel Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety (1995), as well as comic book-style cutscenes. I’m honestly not a fan of this version of The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (1991), Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (1992) has awful web swinging, and Spider-Man The Animated Series (1995) just doesn’t feel like a Spider-Man game.
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage
1994, LJN
Carnage has broken out of Ravencroft Asylum, so Spidey has to team up with Venom to recapture him.
This was miles better than Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety (1995), which managed to look worse somehow. Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (1992) and Spider-Man the Animated Series (1995) just aren't as fun.
5th Generation
Game Boy Color
Spider-Man: The Sinister Six
2001, Activision
When the Sinister Six kidnap Aunt May, Spidey sets off for Coney Island.
This has much better combat than Spider-Man (2000), which may very well have decent web swinging, but having goddamn birds chase you to attack? The Sinister Six was miles ahead.
Nintendo 64
2000, Activision
A mysterious fog envelops the streets of New York, and Spidey wants to know what’s going on.
When you’re only going to release one Spidey title on your platform, of course you go for one of the best. Winner by default, and because it’s quite good.
2000, Activision
A mysterious fog envelops the streets of New York, and Spidey wants to know what’s going on.
The first Spider-Man game I ever played, and still better than Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro - though marginally. It has a What If? mode, which the sequel removed, so there's that.
Make sure to check out Part Two, where I will cover every other platform, from the SEGA Dreamcast to the PlayStation 4.
Dombalurina - 07:03pm, 4th September 2018
I had no idea how many Spooderman games there were. Awesome stuff, can't wait for part two!
Acelister - 07:10pm, 4th September 2018 Author
It caught me by surprise, too! Glad you enjoyed.