The Best Animal Protagonists of the 2010s
Humanity must be under some kind of spell. We’re apparently bewitched by the sight of any fluffy, furry or floppy-eared animal, almost as if they hold some kind of power over us. Films, books and—yes—even games know how to use that power to full effect. The number of oh-so cute animal protagonists which have piled into pop culture over the years is nothing short of staggering. It doesn’t even end there: mosey on down to Caesars online casino with your Caesars Casino Bonus code and see if you can spot some animal-themed mascots dotted around. We’re sure you’ll have no trouble at all. With fictional animals at the centre of so much of our entertainment, we thought it was a good time to pay tribute to the best animal gaming protagonists of the last 10 years. Get ready: it’s about to get mighty cute in here.
Yooka and Laylee - Yooka-Laylee
Is it possible to make a loving tribute to collect-a-thon 3D platformers without also making a tribute to the animal protagonists that so often starred in them? We don’t think so and neither does Playtonic, the developer of the Banjo-Kazooie-esque Yooka-Laylee. It’s a game full of colour, whimsy and life, and it wouldn’t be half the charmer it is without that chameleon and bat duo at its lead.
Octodad - Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Fatherhood is tough (or so I’ve heard). No game quite captures fact better than the absurdist comedy Octodad: Dadliest Catch and its octopus protagonist. Playing as this hapless octo-father as he attempts chores, tries to blend in at the arcade or even just goes shopping is enough to make anyone wince, and maybe giggle a little too.
Mae - Night in the Woods
Although Night in the Woods features a fully anthropomorphic cast, it’s Mae—the cat with a troubled past and a kind heart just below the surface—who takes centre stage. Unlike most other animal protagonists, Night in the Woods uses animals for a deeper reason than comedic value or cutesy appeal: it uses them to help us relate to the issues explored within the game. For that reason, it more than deserves a spot on this list.
Goose - Untitled Goose Game
What does a goose do? Whatever it feels like, and most of the time, that’s a cause a whole heap of chaos. Untitled Goose Game let us wreak havoc on unsuspecting townsfolk, honking merrily as we did so. For that, we love it.
Ape - Ape Out
A striking art style, fast-paced gameplay and an adaptive jazz soundtrack make Ape Out one of the most memorable indie titles of recent years. As you smash, throw and charge your way to freedom as an escaped ape, you’ll be bopping your head to the sweet jazz soundtrack that comes along for the ride.
What are your favourite animal protagonists? Let us know which cute and cuddly gaming leads have stuck in your memory the longest!