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Surviving the Steam Holiday Sale - Day Eleven

Surviving the Steam Holiday Sale - Day Eleven

The Steam Sales are something that we all anticipate with equal amounts of excitement and fear. How many awesome games will be reduced? How many of them will I have already paid full price for a few days before? Will I end up spending my life savings on games I never looked twice at before? We’ve all been there, and the Holiday Sale is no exception.

With a name like Holiday Sale, you almost feel compelled to buy stuff, you know, it’s the holidays, you deserve it, right? Of course you damn well do, you made it through the year! Only problem is, you’re already in debt from all the presents you had to buy for family and friends, and the random people you drew in your work’s Secret Santa that you spoke to once that time by the coffee machine. So seeing all these great deals come up becomes a bit of a balancing act. It’s almost like an equation really.

Where X = happiness:

X = (Game you really want + Great deal) > Amount of debt you can afford to bury yourself in.

Sometimes though, you have to draw the line, and for me, this is one of those times. I have well and truly tightened my purse strings, about to attempt something that may not even be possible: surviving the Steam Holiday Sale without one purchase. Every day, as I browse the sale, I will do so with the goal that I cannot buy anything, because I simply cannot afford to. The best part is, you guys will get to watch me squirm as I let the games slip through my fingers. So whether you want to support or mock, come join me on my tortuous journey!


Day Eleven:

The SwapperIt's hard enough when a game comes up in the Steam Holiday Sale that you really want but it's still a little too much to justify buying. It's even harder when a game comes up that you really want and it's all kinds of cheap! 

This is how I feel about two of the games in the Daily Deals today; The Swapper and Fallout: New Vegas. The former is one I haven't played before, but looks harrowingly fascinating and the latter I haven't tried either, but have played Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360 and love the premise. Both of them are under £5 and begging to be bought... BEGGING I TELL YOU!

I've already got Mass Effect 2, otherwise I'd be all over that like a rash, and Deadlight looks like the type of game I'd love to try but would be beyond rubbish at. Although for £1.99 who cares? Oh wait, I do because I can't buy it. 

I'm also quite interested in Contrast, even if it is just for the art style; it looks truly wonderful! And as for Remember Me on Community Choice; despite its negative reviews from fellow GGers, it's always been somewhat appealing to me. Not sure if it's the female protagonist or what, but I get the feeling I'd really like it.

Argh, so in conclusion today I want all the games again and can purchase exactly none of them. But it's okay, because it'll all be over soon and I can just pretend this was a horrible nightmare, except when I see everyone playing their shiny new games they bought like like four pennies. Bah! 

Steam Holiday Sale 2013
Emsey P. Walker

Emsey P. Walker

Junior Editor

Emsey is a lover of games and penguins. Apparently she does some writing too...somewhere...

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