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Stuck in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution Endless Maze?

Stuck in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution Endless Maze?

We’ve all been there: you’re in a new game, you want to race through it as fast as possible, but then you’re stuck in an endless maze and have no idea how to get out. Sure, you can go back, but there has to be a solution!

While playing through Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution, you will hit the mission called Infiltrate the Factory, and have to head to Mt. Meditation. I’d tell you why, but that’d be a spoiler, and I’m trying to avoid those.

You go up an elevator, find your way through the fog to another elevator, and find yourself in a familiar area. In fact, it’s laid out exactly the same. If you check the glowing spots on the ground you’ll find out that you’re stuck in an endless maze! But, you can return to the bottom at any time, if you want to.

The solution is actually pretty simple: read the signs.

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There are signposts that say Dead End and Main Route Over There, so just follow the ones that don’t say Dead End! It really is that easy — or is it? Because the signs aren’t in the same places, and some are busted.

Well, in that case, here’s the solution for you to get you into the next section (which has a save point!):

  • Go up two elevators at the end of the map
  • Then go down two near the start of the map

So, if you count the elevator you arrive in as the first one, the one you pass as you explore as the second one, and the final elevator as the third, you need to go:

  • Third
  • Third
  • Second
  • Second

Hopefully one of those explains things in a way that you can understand! I hope you enjoy the rest of your time with Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution!

Tips, Tricks & Guides
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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