So I Tried… Find 100 Ducks and Blast Them!
Each edition of So I Tried… I will try a game that I have never played before. Will I find something new to love? Will I find something new to despise? I'll take a full half hour, no matter how bad it gets or how badly I do, to see if this is the game for me. This time, I played the free Find 100 Ducks and Blast Them!, from developer Welcome Back Games.
Well, technically, we played Finds 100 Ducks and Blast Them! Recently, I and a few others in the GrinCast searched for 100 ducks and shot them! It’s pretty neat when the name of a game is so descriptive, huh?
What I Thought It Was
For starters, I knew this game had to feature you finding 100 ducks! Then I assumed we would blast them. Beyond that, I admit I didn’t have many thoughts on the specifics; at first, I’d even assumed the ducks would be living, breathing, cartoon ducks and that I would have to chase them all down and shoot them somehow.
What It Actually Is
Find 100 Ducks and Blast Them! is a sort of first-person shooter collect-a-thon where you explore a small house where a variety of rubber ducks are hiding out to be found and “blasted”, or shot with a laser revolver. Well, technically, there are only 99 ducks around the house to start with, but if you want to know where the 100th duck is, you’ll have to play it yourself (the game is free and pretty short, after all) or listen to the podcast linked above.
The main appeal of the game, in my eyes, was seeing all of the different hiding places the ducks found, with most of them being pretty funny. There were some, like one duck that could only be seen through an arcade cabinet showing the player’s point of view, that made for an interesting puzzle to find, and there were others, like one cheeky mallard asking a lemonade stand if they had any grapes, that were a nice simple joke or reference to keep the mood light. Aside from a variety of ducks designed to blend into the background, no two had the same gimmick, making the duck hunt a very fun way to spend half an hour. Adding to that, there were also a variety of other easter eggs around, like an exploding face on a mountaintop far, far away from the house.
Will I Keep Playing?
Maybe! I enjoyed my time with Find 100 Ducks and Blast Them!, but there were definitely some easter eggs left to find, judging by the neat Museum option in the menu. There’s also the option to find all of the ducks as quickly as possible and I might try that as well. However, while I did enjoy my time, I might not go back to this, as that half-hour was enough to finish the experience. I would, however, definitely recommend you play it, especially if you enjoy simple comedy and rubber ducks!
Trần Võ Thiện Phúc - 02:25am, 21st March 2025
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