Six Games to Prepare You for Brexit
Whether you're an ‘Inner’ an ‘Outter’, a Leaver, a Remainer, or if you couldn’t care less either way, you can’t argue that we’re in one of the most strange and up-in-the-air political landscapes of the 21st Century. Luckily for you, you’ve stumbled across one of the only outlets not to be discussing the now coined and much maligned term ‘Brexit’ (except for this article, but get over yourself…).
Here at GameGrin, we’re made of sterner stuff, so instead of moaning, it’s time to grin and bare it (pardon the pun). So, roll up your sleeves and make certain you play these games to get through through the impending doom we are expecting from Brexit.
The Sims
While our society and economy are up in the air, why not force your virtual slaves into completing the mundane tasks you once enjoyed before everything changed? Get into relationships, wash the dishes or just dance to some Simolean techno, do whatever it takes to restore yourself and your thoughts back to normality. And if they vote to leave your house, you can always starve them to death… every cloud!
Tropico 5
Why take all the flack those suits in London give us when if we turn on Tropico 5 we can hand it out ourselves? OK, so I’m not saying ‘let’s all become raving mad dictators and make our own homes republics, separate from the UK (but still part of the EU… obviously)’. Instead, for once in your pathetic life, make the political decisions you want. Stand firm El Presidente, and don’t let the infidel try to reclaim your land.
Assassin's Creed
As the poor get poorer and rich get richer, there’s only one way to rebalance the scales; murder; lots and lots of sneaky and stylish murder. Of course, in a modern society murder is frowned upon, but in the olden days it was rewarded (I think). Sneak into palaces, scale parliament and plunge blades into the necks of the politicians who have ruined the UK… I mean the Middle Eastern Crusades.
Civilisation V
Instead of killing, conquering and sticking to your laurels, why not have a pop at research, economic development and diplomacy? It sounds a lot like the EU, right? Well, sort of, except you’re in charge of your own decision. Rather than a distraction, use Civ 5 to prepare for Brexit, manage your resources and watch as the other civilisations get richer, stronger and more powerful while you’re stuck trying to work out how to create fire.
Grand Theft Auto V
No rules, no control and no fucks given, GTA V is the ultimate remedy for the Brexit Blues. Other than being preparation for when human rights and other laws are shredded and re-written, just enjoy yourself in a world where all is fine, except for the extremely high numbers of car-jacking and bank robbing incidents occurring almost hourly.
This War of Mine*
If it’s some perspective you’re after, then This War of Mine will sort you right out. Set in a world besieged by war, bombed and shelled into a state of rubble and destruction you play as several characters struggling to loot and survive in the chaos (sounds a lot like what politicians have been predicting for months, right?). It deals with a side of war you don’t usually see, looking into the morality of stealing and even killing to survive and how people band together in times of trouble to pull through. As a bonus you’re treated to some rather poignant backstories of the characters, so you’ll be quickly reminded that although your situation might be dire...it could definitely be much, much worse.
*Emsey's addition to the list
Meg - 09:22pm, 13th July 2016
reading this article has already made me a better human being. Thank you Dominic, thank you
Emseypenguin - 11:25am, 14th July 2016
*cough* And Emsey *cough*