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PSP Go!View Service Launches in the UK and Ireland

Go!View, Sony's joint video-on-demand service with Sky has launched today. PSP owners will be able to download and view TV, films and sport on their handheld console.

A trip over to the Go!View website will give you access to all this content. There's a one-month free trial available for everyone that registers.


Comedy, sport and entertainment packs will be available through monthly subscription, while selected TV series and films can be transferred via the site's rental service. One pack will set you back £5 a month, two packs are £8 and all three are £10 a month.

Rental TV is available from £1.50 per episode, and films from £2.50 each. All are available as part of the free trial.

Agreements with broadcasters such BBC Worldwide, Sky Sports and National Geographic, mean a wide range of content will be available to download. Including series' such as Lost and Desperate Housewives and FA Premier League football matches.

Sony promises the range of content available will constantly grow between now and the autumn.

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FatTonyBBX - 03:22pm, 18th July 2016

Wow, 'cos of course I couldn't do that already with a .3gp converter...

Nex-1428100754 - 03:22pm, 18th July 2016

Wow, 'cos of course I couldn't do that already with a .3gp converter...

And you think everyone know what one of those is?

FatTonyBBX - 03:22pm, 18th July 2016

Something that converts videos either ripped or downloaded into a format that can be played on a PSP ;)

Gunn (LA)-1428100627
Gunn (LA)-1428100627 - 03:22pm, 18th July 2016

Something that converts videos properly purchased into a format that can be played on a PSP ;)


FatTonyBBX - 03:22pm, 18th July 2016

Yeah, one's which you've properly purchased and ripped onto your computer, or downloaded if you can't do that ;) All legal me, honest guv'nor.

Nex-1428100754 - 03:22pm, 18th July 2016

Something that converts videos either ripped or downloaded into a format that can be played on a PSP ;)

So are you saying your 'everyone' rather then just someone?

FatTonyBBX - 03:22pm, 18th July 2016

I'm confused now. Weren't you asking what it was?

Nex-1428100754 - 03:22pm, 18th July 2016

I'm confused now. Weren't you asking what it was?

No If I was asking what it was id of said. Wtf is that? Instead I said. And you think everyone know what one of those is? As in just because you know what that is that doesnt mean everyone one with a psp will.

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