More Details on Saints Row From an Event
As a big fan of the Saints Row series I couldn’t have been more excited by a secret invite of secrecy that dropped into my inbox a few weeks ago. Volition wanted to show off the new Saints Row game, and they wanted me to see it. I then had to be silent about it until today, after Geoff Keighley showed it off at gamescom 2021 Opening Night Live.
Pandemics being what they are, it was a digital event and lasted about an hour. During that time myself and others were treated to cutscenes, gameplay and a Q&A session, where they dealt with the most important question first: the game is called Saints Row. This, of course, was a little upsetting to me as I was looking forward to “Saints Row 5th” or “5aints Row”, but I’ll get over it.
Saints Row is a return to what made the original trilogy fun. You start with nothing and have to build up a criminal organisation with your three friends, to take on the three gangs who rule your city. No super powers, no aliens, and no over-the-top missile-riding craziness. Okay, maybe a little of that third one…
The event was overseen by Suzanne Panter and Ali Payne from publisher Deep Silver, and six men from developer Volition. Executive producer Rob Loftus, design director James Hague, art director Frank Marquartz, associate art director Steven Quirk, lead narrative designer Jeremy Bernstein, and chief creative officer Jim Boone.
Things opened up with a CG trailer which showed off the main characters and some of the over-the-top mix of action and humour, while The Prodigy Vs Public Enemy Vs Manfred Mann’s Shut 'Em Up played. There were guns, explosions, quips and chases. It definitely gave off the same vibes as the original trailer for Saints Row: The Third - Power. It ended with a release date, much to my surprise - 25th of February 2022. Sure, it misses the 15th anniversary of Saints Row (2006) by six months, but you know, pandemic. It’s coming to PC, PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox One/X|S.
We were then treated to alpha gameplay footage from Saints Row, which the development team talked about in a pre-recorded segment. They confirmed that it was a total reboot, a return to what made the original trilogy fun without the more zany aspects. It’s also a more contemporary take on things than the originals, which were “of the time”. Taking place in the American south-western city of Santo Ileso, you play The Boss who wants to start a criminal empire with their three friends; Eli, Neenah, and Kevin. This is a new The Boss, as the game is completely unrelated to the other games. There are a host of customisation options, including eight voice options. It wasn’t specified whether there are eight masculine and eight feminine, or just eight total. For reference, the previous game had a total of seven voice options.
Filling out the “definitely bigger” city of Santo Ileso are three gangs. Los Panteros are ‘the red ones’, and will come at you with sledgehammers. Marshall Defense Industries are ‘the blue ones’ and have high-tech precision weaponry. Finally, ‘the pink ones’ are The Idols who try to overwhelm you with numbers. Of course, you’ll be taking over their territories for your own throughout the game.
Once you control a territory, you can buy empty lots and put criminal enterprises in them to get money. No more just buying the stores and abandoned crack dens, this time you get to pick what goes where. Want to put the toxic waste dump in the financial district? Have at it. Each enterprise unlocks new activities, such as the food truck drug deliveries, which have you driving around town selling food and drugs. Other activities will include things like the fun-with-physics, fan-favourite Insurance Fraud, and “more”. You also have a wingsuit!
The gameplay ended by telling us about co-op and cross-generation play (the full game can be played in co-op), with a tease that it’s untethered, and will allow you to “prank” your partner. The event ended with a Q&A session, however, I’ve already included the relevant information in what you’ve been reading!
Saints Row is coming to PC, PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox One/X|S on 25th of February 2022.