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Joe's Xbox Arcade Recommendations

Joe Recommends:

Shadow Complex

Developed in conjunction with Epic Games, Chair Entertainment's Shadow Complex is a wonderfully made homage to the 'Metroidvania' style of games found on Nintendo's consoles.

You play as Jason Flemming, a backpacker who, along with his girlfriend Claire, comes across an underground facility controlled by the 'Progressive Restoration'. Overhearing their plans to attack the U.S, you steal a technologically advanced suit and proceed to bring the group down.

shadow complex

The complex is vast, and just like Samus Aran on her galactic adventures, you are able to progressively upgrade your suit to open previously unreachable areas. The sense of exploration never gets old, and even if you're not a fan of the formula, Shadow Complex is just too pretty and meticulously made to pass up on.


Alternatively try:

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved

Gaming doesn't always have to be about deep, intricately crafted narratives or needlessly convoluted mechanics. Sometimes, you just want to burn an hour of your time relaxing with a simple activity.

You don't need to look any further than the Geometry Wars series from Bizarre Creations. Placed in a 2D, square arena, you control a crudely shaped ship and simply destroy colourful shapes with different abilities. It sounds rather abstract, but you'll find yourself wondering where the time went as you become ever more determined to beat your own, or a friend's high score to take your seat at the top of the leader boards.

geometry wars

If that's not your cup of tea, then GW2 has some marvellous game types to get stuck into, such as survival and territory control. Just make sure you have good eyes, because the action can, and will get insanely colourful and frantic.


Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

If it weren't for Geometry Wars, this article could have been a Metroidvania Recommendations; as ITSP is another adopter of the extremely popular Metroid and Castlevania formula. Aside from the amazing title, Fuelcell Games truly outdid themselves with this indie hit. The gorgeously realised world is second only to the sense of trepidation and apprehension you will feel as you explore the alien infested titular planet as an unnamed protagonist.

insanely twisted shadow planet

As you journey through the sinister world in your upgradable ship, you'll come across some truly grotesque creatures as you attempt to destroy the alien queen. ITSP also features brilliant atmospherics and some truly entertaining puzzles to overcome on your journey. If Shadow Complex doesn't appeal to you, then you owe it to yourself to at least venture into the Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet.

Joe Pring

Joe Pring

Staff Writer

Spends a lot of time writing. If he doesn't have a pad of paper, he's likely to start scrawling indecipherable sentences all over the walls.

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