If It Was Real: Gaming Powers At Christmas
Laying in bed on Christmas Eve sucks. Pretending you love your seventeenth pair of socks sucks. What if there was a way to make them all a little easier to bear? What if we could borrow some powers and skills used by our favourite gaming heroes for a night or two? I present to you, Gaming Powers at Christmas.
Time Jump (Fallout Series)
It’s been a long day, your head hits the pillow and your eyes start to drift slowly closed. All of a sudden, a thought of the game you want flies into your head and that’s just the start. Within a few seconds, your head is filled with possibilities of what you may be opening tomorrow! Will you get what you wanted? Will you be able to sit and play the game all day?! There’s no way you’re getting to sleep now. Then you remember, leaning down, you pull out your PipBoy from under your bed, hit some buttons and a few minutes later, you’ve skipped the next 7 hours and are refreshed and ready to rip into your presents!
Jedi Mind Tricks (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)
You rush downstairs and start to rip the wrapping paper off your presents and squeal with glee. It’s at that point you remember you’ve forgotten to get your family anything! Searching around, you find an old Monopoly set and pull a handful of pieces off it. Using Jedi Mind Tricks, you make your family think they are the best gifts in the world! You will get them a real gift but would you rather them be disappointed on Christmas?!
Portal Gun (Portal)
It’s that time again, you’ve all got to bundle into the car to go and visit your relatives. Can you really bare that trip on Christmas? Why not nab the Portal Gun from its namesakes game, put a portal in your house and then mail the gun to your relatives. Hopefully, no pesky mailmen open it and discover your plan though! Now it’s just a matter of stepping through the gateway to your relatives, it would be like they live next door! Just remember to close the thing before you send the gun back otherwise Auntie Margaret will be popping her head in for tea every other Sunday.
Decepti0n (Borderlands 2)
It’s time again where we all gather around the table and talk about “grown-up” things and what we’ve all been upto since last Christmas. However, a quick drop of Decepti0n and you’re a mindless drone nodding along to the drivel that is your families lives and all the while, you’re upstairs gaming! Just be sure to be the first to share so you don’t get caught out.
What gaming powers would you use and how?