How to Find All Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Content in Session: Skate Sim
With the latest update to Session, players have been treated to a collaboration with everyone’s favourite masked crime-fighting reptiles, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But how do you unlock the characters, decks, and the secret level? Well, we hope you’re ready to pop an ollie whilst eating a delicious slice of pizza because we’ve uncovered all the goodies!
The Turtles
Okay, so we start out with one that isn’t really a secret but still may elude players who are more focused on shredding rather than shopping. To start, go to any skateshop in any of the three city maps (New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco). Go up to the counter to start shopping, and select “Buy Skater Apparel”. Head on down to “Character”, and you’ll find none other than Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo! Easy, right? They cost $500 a piece, so make sure to tackle some missions and challenges first to earn some cash!
The Gear
Sticking with the not-so-hidden content for now, let’s have a look at what apparel we can don whilst tearing up the streets. Staying in the same skateshop menu as before, this time, check out “Upper Body” for some nice shirt and jumper designs. What’s that? You want to represent your love for the turtles via your board? Well, why not wander over to the “Buy Skateboard Gear” tab? There are four available deck graphics (which, we have to say, look pretty slick!) as well as four grip tape variations. This is some great-looking gear that, to be honest, even those who aren’t fans of TMNT may still like the look of!
The Hidden Map
Last but certainly not least is the new hidden map. Open up your map selection menu, and you’ll notice a new, unselectable map under “Extra Network”. Eagle-eyed players will be able to locate the entrance to this new area using the picture given, but why do that when we have the answer right here!
First, you’ll want to head on over to the Madison Park spawn point. Turn around from the bus stop you spawned at and take a leisurely walk around the park. Or skate, since that’s what this game is all about. Just around the corner, you’ll come across a derelict building curiously named “Food Shop Drugstore” (also open 25 hours, which is impressive). Head towards the left side of this building, sticking close to the edge of the road. At the end of the parking spaces, you should see a partially opened sewer grid, with discarded pizza boxes and a rather obvious symbol spray-painted on it. This leads you to the secret map: The Sewers at 122 1/8. As long as you don’t mind the smell, then you’re in for a good skate session!
Although the map isn’t huge, there are a good amount of spots in these claustrophobic tunnels to get some sick lines on. You’ll be able to find a ton of rails, ramps, and even a small street course to enjoy. It’s certainly one of Session’s more unique areas and one we can’t wait to see some crazy tricks performed in!
And there we have it! That’s all the content in this surprise free update for Session. But did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments! Hopefully, you found this useful and will soon be ripping up the sewers dressed as your favourite Ninja Turtle. Cowabunga, dude!
Diego - 07:34pm, 1st August 2023
Thanks for the hints. I went to the shop, bought the 4 characters but didnt equip any of them at the moment of purchasing them in the shop. Then, I can't find the turtles characters when creating a new skater, even if I go again to the shop and see them as "owned". They are not available in the characters roster. What am I missing?
MickSaveMOYF - 07:39pm, 1st August 2023 Author
Hey there, you're very welcome! They're technically not skaters, but equippable costumes that you can find when editing your custom skater, under the "character" tab. Hope that helps :)
Martn - 09:20pm, 2nd August 2023
Das ist doch nicht alles... Ich nutze ja öfters den Editor um meine SESSION festzuhalten, da viel mir auf das auch 4 Kamerafilter hinzukamen (TMNT, fisheye long + TMNT, fisheye + TMNT, 4:3 + TMNT)
Martn - 09:28pm, 2nd August 2023
That's not all... I often use the editor to record my SESSION, because I also had 4 camera filters added (TMNT, Fisheye Long + TMNT, Fisheye + TMNT, 4:3 + TMNT)
MickSaveMOYF - 02:32pm, 3rd August 2023 Author
Oh wow I hadn't even noticed that, thank you! I'm not much of a filmer unfortunately, I just don't have the eye for it!