How to Craft Abilities in Time on Frog Island
I'm gonna be honest with you: after I got my hands on Time on Frog Island, I breezed through the game; I couldn't put it down because I simply loved it too much. I played throughout the entire story, and right around the ending (I'd found every part of my ship and only needed to finish the remaining side quests), while I was buying everything off the merchant, I found out there were upgrades.
While asking me to make a potion, I noticed that I could press Y on my controller to drink it. Admittedly, this was partly my fault; I should've realised while carrying the Ice Brew to the hermit that I could drink it. Alas, it wasn't until I was pretty much done with the first playthrough that I found this out. So, to ensure this doesn't happen to you, here are all the brews you can craft that benefit you!
How to Craft Brews
Perhaps, the most crucial part (before even talking about which ones to make) is to learn how to craft them in the first place. You'll need to find an Ice Flower for the tavern keeper, which is located at the very top of the mountain, north of the main island. You'll need a key to enter this area, located on the east island. For a more specific guide, you can read my game guide to find that, located under the "Opening the Door" and "Who Even Needs Keys" categories, depicting both ways to enter the mountain!
Once you've reached the mountaintop and taken an Ice Flower to the tavern keeper, you'll have the opportunity to craft as many brews as you want. After creating a mix of items, you'll need to wait an entire day before you can benefit from it.
How to Experiment with Brewing
Before we jump into depicting exactly how to do the power-up brews, I'd like to explain how to experiment with brews in case anyone wants to do that before getting into the spoiler territory.
Brewing in the game is quite simple: all you need to do is combine two materials that aren't of the same category, and voila, you'll have crafted a brew! You'll need to experiment with items and learn which slot they fill (whether in the right or left side of the brew) to craft your very own!
How to Craft the Abilities
There are three permanent abilities that you can get by brewing: the jumping ability, the tongue ability, and the croak ability. Of the three, my personal favourite is the tongue ability, a very useful skill I wish I'd had throughout my first playthrough (and necessary to get an achievement!).
- To craft the jump ability, you need to mix any fruit with a mushroom.
- To craft the croak ability, you need to mix any fruit with a blob fish.
- To craft the tongue ability, you need to mix any fruit with a dodo egg.
Now you know how to craft all sorts of potions! Aside from the three permanent upgrades above, I also sincerely recommend making a speed potion by mixing in a boost flower with something; you won't regret it!