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How Farming for Clay Became a Halloween Adventure in Disney Dreamlight Valley

How Farming for Clay Became a Halloween Adventure in Disney Dreamlight Valley

I have been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley for a whole year now, and I've wracked up a whopping 343 hours. Although it might not sound like a lot for 365 days, I've been trying to take it easy and only play when there's an active battle pass or new content added. Whilst I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with the other updates, it's safe to say that this latest one had been my most anticipated one because I'm such a huge fan of A Nightmare Before Christmas, Halloween, and it's my birthday month!

Due to this, I've been trying really hard to give it proper attention by doing quests, having fun with decorating, changing my outfits to wacky Halloween ones, and I've even dabbled in Touch of Magic, which I've neglected for a while now (I'm not great at making clothes!). Though I've been giving it all my love and focus, the highlight of my time with this update thus far was actually accidental.

Because I've been trying to not get burnt out and abandon the game, I've also been careful about how much I've farmed for materials. I did go crazy a while back when Gameloft released the Disney park items, as I grinded for rock non-stop in hopes of getting enough paths to cover the area I wanted to use, but I haven't done anything similar since then. This time around, considering all I've been able to think about has been the Star Path, I decided I would go back to grinding to make some fences and complete my Halloween town. So, as I took Scar around while I dug hole after hole, trying to farm enough Clay for the fences, a brilliant idea occurred to me: instead of filling them up again, I was going to plant Pumpkins... tons and tons and tons of them.

The first patch I made had a total of 360 holes, the second one 182, the third 144, and the last 312. In total, I ended up digging 998 holes with Scar and filling them to the brim with Pumpkins! Although the idea was largely driven by the concept of not wasting my time just farming for Clay, I ended up getting pretty excited about the prospect of all the Pumpkins. This was especially exciting once I realised it could be the ultimate celebration of Halloween arriving in the Valley!  

It took me about an entire hour or so to dig out the 998 holes, and then it took me a while more to plant the Pumpkins. Thankfully, throughout the entire time, it poured and thundered, which made it much easier since I didn't have to water nearly any of the crops! 

Once I was done, I went on my merry way to The Forgotten Lands, hoping to squeeze in a bit more decorating before bed; the game, however, had other ideas. As soon as I tried to set down a fence, it told me I had exceeded my furniture limit. Did you know that every hole you dig counts as a placed item? I didn't! Unfortunately, that completely locked me out of finishing my town and playing in general because most things I had to do required me to place items down (I couldn’t even bring Belle and Beast because I had no space!), and I wasn't inclined to pick up any decor to then have to put it down again. I decided I'd just leave it at that for now, and I went to bed excited for the next day.

On top of having to go to sleep without seeing the fruits of my labour, I had to wake up to the arduous task of watering them all; surprisingly, it took me only six minutes to water the four patches, and it got me that much more excited to see them all grown. After that, I waited two painfully long hours while I ran around looking for anything to distract me so time would go by quickly. 

Finally, after a lot of impatience and excitement, I was able to get started on farming my Pumpkins. I was careful and diligent, as I didn't want to mess it up by making stupid mistakes. So, I cleared my inventory, leaving only a ton of coffee to keep my energy up; I brought WALL•E along, who, aside from being my elected Pumpkin-picking buddy, gives me a farming bonus; and I made absolutely sure to go slow enough to not miss out on any of the bonus yields and boosts. I was very serious about this going right! 

Our arduous task began at 1:13 PM and finished at 1:51 PM; it took WALL•E and me nearly 40 whole minutes to pick up the four patches! I ended with a total of 2,342 Pumpkins, and once I sold them, I went from 800,637 Coins to a whopping 2,355,725! This is the richest I've been in Disney Dreamlight Valley. In total, I used 274,450 to get my 998 Pumpkins and ended up getting 1,280,638 back as profit; I'd say that's a win! Now you know what to do if you ever find yourself having 274,450 Coins to spare and about five hours to waste. Scrooge would be proud!

Now, I have an idea of what to make in the Sunlit Plateau thanks to the long time I spent there, and I definitely have more money than I'll be able to spend for a while; this was a long, grindy, and exciting little challenge. What started off as me farming for Clay ended up in a crazy, pumpkin-filled Halloween adventure!

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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