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House Party — Main Differences Between Male and Female Playthroughs & Which One Should You Start With?

House Party — Main Differences Between Male and Female Playthroughs & Which One Should You Start With?

My adventures in House Party started following a male protagonist; I admit it, I'm a degenerate that had the game in Early Access before the female was unlocked. Sue me! After finishing my male playthrough (and receiving the review branch for House Party shortly after), I worried there wouldn't be that many differences between the male and female protagonists... I was wrong. So, here are the main differences between the two, and a bit about which one you should start with!

#1 — Besties!!

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In the Early Access of House Party (and now, the male playthrough), you get invited by your good old pal Derek. With him inviting you, you start with a reasonably high level of friendship with him, which you can quickly turn into a relationship by exchanging a few natty lites and talking about the past, which leads to a raunchy sex scene set in the laundry room.

In the female playthrough, you get invited by Brittney. This was a pleasant surprise, as I expected to receive a text message from Derek, but more so by how much this affects your playthrough. Brittney invites you to the party to ask you for help with clothing-related problems, and you get to unlock her before having to complete her "Breast Diversion" opportunity. This makes it easier to complete Ashley's "Smooth Operator". Most importantly, this unlocks a new opportunity with Brittney that lets you end up having sex with her, something that is impossible in the male protagonist playthrough.

#2 — I can't believe I'm saying this... Patrick (eugh).

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Ffs we just met him!... *Sigh* Fiiine.

In the male playthrough, I managed to somehow end up in the upstairs bathroom giving Patrick a blowie to retrieve some keys for... okay, I am not going to spoil that, but you get the idea. After pursuing some of Rachael's content, I — unfortunately — managed to unlock a sex scene with Patrick, though that never seemed to lead any further.

You can immediately have sex with Patrick in the female playthrough by pegging him. Why you'd want to do this is beyond me, but I still did it because I'm the type of gal that tries everything once, even Patrick... It ultimately led to nothing, but it was something I just had to try.

#3 — Opportunities

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So, aside from Derek's and Brittney's opportunity changes, numerous other opportunities change in the female playthrough too. Although I won't be too specific (I'd hate to ruin the surprise!), some interactions regarding male characters tend to allow you to progress some opportunities faster than you would in a male playthrough. In fact, it partly felt like the female protagonist had less dialogue that felt satirical (though Frank remained hilarious as always). 

#4 — Dialogue

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Eek! Games added numerous voice lines to the game to accommodate the female protagonist. Naturally, you have the Brittney differences (and her dialogue options), but you also have other characters introducing themselves differently. Most notably, you have a more aggressive encounter with Madison, and Frank calls you Lady Dude (which I loved).

#5 — Sex Scenes

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It would be a crime not to have changed the sex scenes, but regardless, all of the sex scenes were changed accordingly to fit the new female protagonist. Lesbian versions of the sex scenes in each bedroom changed, along with changed oral scenes to better fit female genitalia. This also includes the heterosexual sex scenes, such as Frank's upstairs bathroom scene.

Using the LEGACY/POV INTIMACY, the player pegs the male characters with no actual strap-on equipped, making it look... uncomfortable at best. Here's hoping there are upcoming changes for this, as I do prefer the LEGACY/POV INTIMACY over the actual cutscenes.

Which One Should You Go For?

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Although there isn't a right and wrong answer to going either of the genders, it is worth noting that both genders have different accessibility when it comes to sex scenes. Although the female has an easier time having sex with Ashley, Brittney, and Amy, the male has easy access to a sex scene with Derek, a blowjob scene from Frank, and Frank's sex scene in the upstairs bathroom is easier (thanks to being able to do it with Derek). 

If you're not particularly interested in any of the easier routes, and don't mind working harder for the ones that are a tad more difficult, then generally going for what you want to see is a good rule of thumb. The male has more scenes in which the protagonist gets pleased by numerous characters (often being dominant in sex scenes), while the female gets reversed roles. That said, if you like the LEGACY/POV INTIMACY over the newer ones, your only choice at the moment is the male protagonist, with no confirmation from the developer that more will be added in the future for female poses in this mode.

That's it for our main differences between male and female protagonist article! Did I miss something substantial? Did I help you decide which of the two you want to go for? Let me know in the comments below! I personally liked the female protagonist more, purely based on the fact that Brittney feels far more like a cohesive character in that one.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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