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Guide to November's Humble Choice Part One

Guide to November's Humble Choice Part One

As we all know, Humble Choice is a bundle that releases every month offering the buyer a choice between 10+ games. Those that were not fortunate enough to be subscribed to Humble Bundle before the Choice update are now limited to either three or nine of the games, with the basic plan costing £10.99/$14.99 and the Premium £14.65/$19.99.

My wife and I thankfully are blessed to have been active subscribers for years and own the classic plan, allowing us to choose all of the games. We are here to assist you with which ones you might want to pick up. Here is part one for the month of November!

Due Process


Steam price: £19.49/$24.99
Very Positive (3,701; 85%)
Average Playtime: N/A

Due Process is a cyberpunk multiplayer FPS, where you play in teams of five with gameplay similar to Rainbow Six Siege.

My wife and I have never really played a game like Rainbow Six Siege, so you can imagine the thrill and stress that we went through when we first launched Due Process and found out we would be forced into a PvP round against a bunch of people. We played through the tutorial, finished everything we thought was necessary and jumped straight into a casual match.

We got stomped, decimated, obliterated, owned, and pwned. This, in part, was because the game doesn't really seem to have any form of matchmaking that keeps into account that this was my first round ever and there were several people with a hundred levels on the match. Meaning they knew the maps, knew the tricks, and knew the hiding spots. And me? I was running around like a headless chicken trying to figure out what to do and why.

I can see the beauty and potential Due Process has. To my surprise, my team was lovely and I was just terrified of failing them—which I did. The round ended, we lost. I think I got one kill though, so props to me!

Should you claim it?: Due Process has some really nice graphics, and that's about all I could deduce from the game! Jokes aside, I see the potential, but reading into the Steam reviews for people more adept at the game than I, it seems it is lacking the "tactical" aspect that is advertised at the very top of the Steam page. People mentioned that a run-and-gun playstyle was more effective than strategic planning. My greatest worries lie on the mandatory multiplayer, and the fluctuating player base that is visible on its SteamDB information, with the lows reaching 59 players, and each peak seemingly reaching less and less high numbers. One thing to keep in mind is that maybe the best way to get the most of the game would be getting it through Humble Choice rather than buying it as a standalone full-price game, given the top review mentioning the lack of player base.

House Flipper

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Steam price: £15.49/$19.99
Very Positive (44,327; 92%)
Average Playtime: ~24 hours

House Flipper is a relaxing job simulator, where you work as a man, woman, Santa, robot, or zombie that takes cleaning and installation jobs to earn money, slowly allowing you to buy yourself a better office, and eventually buy, renovate, and sell houses.

You may be wondering why there are so many options of people you can choose from. Well, usually the first thing my wife and I do whenever entering a new game is check out the settings, and let me tell you, there are a lot. Letting you choose how you want your hands to display when working (thus the many options aforementioned), day and night being synced to your PC or in-game simulated time, and an option for those that suffer from Katsaridaphobia. Not sure what that is? You probably don't suffer from it then!

The gameplay is very relaxing and surprisingly fun given the monotonous tasks we are asked to do—installing appliances, sweeping, painting, tiling, destroying walls, and much more. It's House Flipper, the game doesn't really need an introduction—that's a good thing! I was quite shocked to see the game wasn't the top choice of the month.

Should you claim it?: Indubitably! House Flipper is an amazing sim with wonderful DLC and many wonderful hours of fun to be had relaxing and cleaning. I don't doubt for a second that most people would benefit from having this game in their library. If relaxing sim games are something you enjoy, House Flipper is a must.

Project Wingman

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Steam price: £19.49/$24.99
Very Positive (7,300; 94%)
Average Playtime: ~13 hours

Project Wingman is a military flight game based on a world recovering after a nuclear war.

I don't know anything about planes. If you ask me what the difference between a jet and an aircraft is, I'll just answer "Yes" and move on. So it will come as a surprise to a lot of people (including myself) how much I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game.

I played the game on easy difficulty because it said "for first-time flyers" and I decided not to let my hubris get in the way this time and listen— and I'm glad I did. The first five deaths were because I was too dumb and flew too low, straight into the water. I eventually understood why the altimeter is there.

I spent a long time trying to get a hold of the controls but with time I found my way around it, and I had so much fun. This is easily some of the most fun I've had in gaming while getting absolutely destroyed, and as I slowly got comfortable with the controls, I started manoeuvring better and actually felt compenent whilst airborne.

As a side-note, I would like to add that the game has a VR mode included. Although I don't own a VR headset to give it a go, the game will probably be wonderful with it!

Should you claim it?: This has thus far been my favourite of the assortment, despite House Flipper's presence and how much I loved that game. I had an absolute blast learning how to manoeuvre the aircraft, learning new tricks the deeper my knowledge broadened, and the capability to look around allows for some beautiful scenery while flying over the water. Getting the feel of flying the aircraft is something I would recommend to just about anyone.


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Steam price: £15.49/$19.99
Very Positive (3,082; 94%)
Average Playtime: N/A

Wingspan is the Steam adaptation of a card-based tabletop game centred around completing certain goals to earn more points than your opponent to win.

I'm not going to lie, Wingspan's tutorial left me more confused than when I first launched the game. The game does loops around gameplay mechanics and then repeats them three or four times - which apparently wasn't enough for me to fully remember how to do everything.

I like board games, they can definitely be fun whenever implemented properly. Does Wingspan fail at that?... Not necessarily. You see, after finishing my first game, and delving into the second, I still felt rather hopeless. In spite of that, I marched onward and fought through but I felt underwhelmed. There is very little interaction with the opponent player, and you're mostly just trying to do your own thing. It's good, I can see the beauty, I just think it might be better considered as a single-player rather than a multiplayer due to the very limited interactions you have with your opponent.

Might I add, the tutorial was so bad that completing it nets you an achievement that only 33% of players have… It was horrible, and honestly I might just add that to the hardest achievement showcase on my Steam Profile.

Should you claim it?: If you like board games, and the prospect of this one sounds interesting, I can see the beauty of it. Gorgeous aesthetics, pretty background sounds. However, the multiplayer aspect of it felt underwhelming, I didn't interact with my opponent at any moment so I really was just playing a single-player game trying to accomplish the goals, while someone else did the same thing, and our scores were tallied with no way for each player to impact on the other. As a single-player, this game might be good. As a multiplayer, not so much.

BPM: Bullets Per Minute

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Steam price: £15.49/$19.99
Very Positive (6,204; 93%)
Average Playtime: ~4 hours

BPM: Bullets Per Minute (BPM henceforth) is an FPS action-rhythm roguelike where you play as a Valkyrie to repel the forces of the underworld from invading Asgard.

I suck at rhythm games, and much to my dismay, they have begun invading every other genre - at first, I only had to avoid Dance Dance Revolution!

Jokes aside, it is imperative that you understand: I suck at rhythm games. I cannot emphasise that enough. The reason this is important is because I booted up BPM, picked Easy because of my lack of expertise, and died in the second room. I honestly wasn't going to surrender, at the very least, I was going to beat the first boss or I'd be damned!

And so fight I did, and that bodes well for BPM. Although I dislike rhythm games and I absolutely sucked at it, I played and played until I got past the first area and killed the boss. There isn't much to say about my journey nor BPM in general. You can only shoot according to the beat (which I couldn't hear so I mostly guessed) and some of the enemy's attacks moved to the beat. It was a fun experience, for sure—just not one for me.

Should you claim it?: BPM is a rhythm game first and foremost. If this is a good thing for you—and BPM is something that interests you—I can see where it excels and how. However, as a beginner to the genre, I felt BPM was ruthless to my primitive brain, being incapable of keeping in mind my ammo, the beat, when to dodge, what the boss was doing, and how to react to it. I wish I could tell you how well it fares against others in its genre, but my lack of expertise in the area prevents me from doing so.

That is it for the first half of Humble Choice November! How do you feel about the assortment of games thus far? Are there any that you will be claiming, or waiting for the second half of the guide? Let us know in the comments below, and stay tuned for the next half!

We have an affiliate link that we would greatly appreciate you use! And as always, stay awesome! 

Humble Bundle Review
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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