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Gaming is Everywhere AD

Gaming is Everywhere

Gaming takes many forms, from the highest specced multi-monitored beast to the smallest screen worn on your wrist. It’s in the back of the seat on an airline and in your smart TV, so really anywhere you want to play a game, you can do it. Once you’ve decided where to play, you need to decide what!

Casinos, first person shooters or even building games! Sure they’re not all on every device, but there are a lot more indie developers making games for the Apple Watch, so they can’t be far off. After all, there is a version of Minecraft that works on the Raspberry Pi! How long before you’ll be getting casino deposit bonuses on your wrist, then changing over to a pretty decent version of Half-Life?

One of the AMD execs recently said that tablets are getting as powerful as last-gen consoles, and although it may not be exactly true yet, it’s certainly getting that way. Especially as there is an endless runner just released on Steam and current gen consoles, the gap is becoming less obvious!

So don’t write off anything you can play a game on. The best that phones could manage was Snake, but now they have Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas! Game developers are a canny bunch, and technology is speeding along, so don’t count any platform out. After all, gaming is everywhere.

Norman Sanders

Norman Sanders

Staff Writer

Norman enjoys writing mostly anything about gaming...

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