GameGrin Weekly Roundup 27th May - 2nd June 2013
Welcome to this week's GameGrin Weekly Roundup.
This week we've reviewed Metro Last Light, Resident Evil: Revelations and Mini Motor Racing EVO; and we have a preview of stand-alone expansion, Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm.
Articles include my own game recommendations, this week looking at game franchises, and Kirk's investigation into narrative-led game experiences.
All this, and more, below: -
Metro Last Light
Resident Evil: Revelations
Mino Motor Racing EVO
The Indie Challenge: FTL: Faster Than Light - Week 2
Ewok's Frachise Recommendations
Mechanical Evolution
WTFBBQ - Final Fantasy VII Controversy
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods Released
Fuel Overdose: Wanderer Vehicle Pack Releases Free on PSN
SimCity Amusement Park DLC Released
The Night of the Rabbit Released
How to Survive Unannounced
Legends of Aethereus
GRiD 2 Launch Trailer
Razer Announce New Blade
Amazon Puts Provisional Price on Xbox One
Jane Bounces on Your 'Droid