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Game Over: The Wolf Among Us

Game Over: The Wolf Among Us

I’ll admit that I put this off for quite a while, since the comic ended in 2015. I wasn’t ready for the adventures of Bigby and Jack (the two best fables) to end, and I wound up being quite surprised by the ending. Not that it was shocking and left questions that a sequel could have handled (come on, Telltale!), but because right up until the last conversation I was being told “They will remember that”...

The Wolf Among Us was the first (so far only) game based on the comic book Fables, published by the DC imprint Vertigo. It took place before the comics, so you won’t be spoiling it if you play this before reading them -- though it ended in July 2015 so, you’ve had time...

The general overview is: every fairy tale, folklore, and nursery rhyme is real, and they were driven out of their homelands by The Adversary lest they be enslaved. They have taken up residence in “our” New York, having arrived in the 1800s and established Fabletown as a safe haven for all fables. Due to their magical nature they enjoy long lives, especially if they happen to be a popular fable in the Mundy (term meaning mundane, or non-magical). It’s not uncommon for fables to be practically killed, only for their fame to save them. Decapitation is a pretty sure way to end them, however.

Jack and Bigby, best frenemies

The titular wolf, and protagonist of the game, is the sheriff of Fabletown Bigby Wolf. He’s granted quite a healing ability given the fact that his particular story is a popular one -- he’s The Big Bad Wolf. Despite the fact that all fables were granted immunity from any past crimes, people still view him as quite dangerous which makes him the perfect candidate to keep people in line. For instance, the Mundy isn’t ready for magic, so any non-human looking fable has to be hidden behind a glamour to make them appear normal.

Being a Telltale adventure game, there is a lot of talking and decision making. Luckily, it’s broken up by a fair number of action sequences and some exploring as Bigby investigates a murder when the head of the victim is literally left on his doorstep. Through the events of the game you meet fables from the comics, ones that were mentioned by name only, and some new to the mythology.

I think they could have gone a little into the pasts of the characters, but the story was gripping and very engaging over the course of the five hours it took to complete. There were beloved running gags such as people mocking Bigby for being the only one to smoke Huff n’ Puff brand cigarettes, easter eggs of names and places, and really was just a complete fanservice dream.

This is the Business Office, where all manner of magical artifacts are kept

After reading all 150 issues mainly starring Bigby and Snow White amongst a few others, I was surprised to find that the voices were pretty much as I’d imagined them. The voice cast did an amazing job, especially Adam Harrington who played Bigby absolutely perfectly through all of the emotions.

Despite a solid point-and-click interface, it’s easy to see where the disappointing BATMAN - The Telltale Series has its roots. The inventory system might as well not exist for all of the use it gets (basically money and cigarettes), and your dialogue options usually amount to “be nice” or “be a dick”. I suppose it shares that with the Mass Effect series, too…

I’m very glad that I played The Wolf Among Us. Even if it was so long since it was released. It’s well put together, looks and sounds brilliant, and the writing is top-notch. I suppose that’s one thing that has never changed in Telltale games.

Game Over
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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